Interface SnmpAuthoritativeSession

public interface SnmpAuthoritativeSession

This interface defines the methods that a session implementation must implement. These methods contain state information that can be used in orders sent by one user to one agent. A session refers to one particular host/port, one set of security information, and a particular SNMP version.

A session is used when placing orders, and orders placed using the same session are sent to the same host and port, and are sent using identical security mechanisms and parameters. For example, a session might have a USMSecurityInfo object, which contains a security level of AuthNoPriv, an authentication scheme of MD5, and a particular user-name and auth/priv. passwords. All orders sent using this session will be sent to the same agent/port using MD5 authentication with the user's authentication key, and no encryption.

Multiple sessions, with different or identical security information, can be associated with a single agent/port. SecurityInfo objects may be shared between sessions. For example, a single user may wish to use the same username/passwords, and auth/priv schemes for messages to several different hosts. One SecurityInfo object can be created, and shared among several sessions.

Method Summary getAgentAddress()
          Get the SNMP agent's address used in this session.
 java.lang.String getAgentHostIPAddress()
          Get the SNMP agent's IP address used in this session.
 java.lang.String getAgentHostName()
          Get the SNMP agent's host name used in this session.
 int getAgentHostPort()
          Get the SNMP agent's port used in this session.
 java.lang.String getContextEngineID()
          Deprecated. as of jSNMP v3.1.1 by getContextEngineIDBytes()
 byte[] getContextEngineIDBytes()
          Get the context engine ID used in this session.
 java.lang.String getContextName()
          Deprecated. as of jSNMP v3.1.1 by getContextNameBytes()
 byte[] getContextNameBytes()
          Get the context name used in this session.
 SnmpSecurityInfo getSnmpSecurityInfo()
          Get the security information used in this session.
 SnmpSecurityToken getSnmpSecurityToken()
          Get the security token for this session; the class type of the returned object is SecurityModel dependent, and the session object needs to know nothing about it.
 int getSnmpVersion()
          Get the SNMP version used in this session.
 boolean isRemote()
          Determine if session is 'remote' or 'local'.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getAgentHostIPAddress()
Get the SNMP agent's IP address used in this session.
the SNMP agent's IP address.


public java.lang.String getAgentHostName()
Get the SNMP agent's host name used in this session.
the SNMP agent's host name.


public getAgentAddress()
Get the SNMP agent's address used in this session.
the SNMP agent's address.


public int getAgentHostPort()
Get the SNMP agent's port used in this session.
the SNMP agent's port.


public int getSnmpVersion()
Get the SNMP version used in this session.
the SNMP version.


public SnmpSecurityInfo getSnmpSecurityInfo()
Get the security information used in this session.
the security information.


public byte[] getContextEngineIDBytes()
Get the context engine ID used in this session.
the context engine ID.


public byte[] getContextNameBytes()
Get the context name used in this session.
the context name.


public java.lang.String getContextEngineID()
Deprecated. as of jSNMP v3.1.1 by getContextEngineIDBytes()

Get the context engine ID used in this session.
the context engine ID.


public java.lang.String getContextName()
Deprecated. as of jSNMP v3.1.1 by getContextNameBytes()

Get the context name used in this session.
the context name.


public SnmpSecurityToken getSnmpSecurityToken()
Get the security token for this session; the class type of the returned object is SecurityModel dependent, and the session object needs to know nothing about it.
security token.
See Also:


public boolean isRemote()
Determine if session is 'remote' or 'local'.
true if remote

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