Interface SnmpSecurityToken

public interface SnmpSecurityToken

The SnmpSecurityToken interface is used to define the semantics for using security tokens. A security token contains information that a security model uses to construct the security parameters portion of the SNMP message header. Each token is tied to exactly one session, and can only be used for that session.

A token is created by a security model when the createToken method is called, which creates a token for a session. Each SnmpSecurityModel, then, will have its own SnmpSecurityToken implementation, which contains information that the security model needs to authenticate, encrypt, decrypt, or perform any other security operations defined. The token is also needed to generate the session-specific security parameters portion of the SNMP message. For USM, a token would need to include a username, remote engine information (engineID, Boots, Time), as well as authentication and privacy schemes and keys.

Only one method, getHashKey, is defined in this interface. Different security models will generate different tokens, and so other methods will depend on the implementation. Each security model must be aware of its specific implementation of this interface, and all of the other methods defined in that implementation. A token is passed to a security model when its processIncomingMessage and processOutgoingMessage are called. The token contains information specific to that model for authenticating, encrypting, decrypting messages, or any other security features that the security model implements.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getHashKey()
          Get token key.
 int getMTU()
          Get MTU.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getHashKey()
Get token key.


public int getMTU()
Get MTU.

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