/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2003 jSNMP Enterprises, All Rights Reserved Worldwide ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: This software is provided AS IS, and without any warranty other than those which may be provided in a separate writing specifically referencing the software contained herein. All other warranties, except those which may be provided separately in writing, are expressly disclaimed. WITHOUT LIMITING THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE which is given with respect to this software or the operability thereof. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // ------------------------------ Package ------------------------------------- // ------------------------------ Imports ------------------------------------- import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import com.outbackinc.services.protocol.snmp.*; import com.outbackinc.services.protocol.snmp.CSM.*; import com.outbackinc.services.protocol.snmp.rmi.*; /** * Sample which illustrates how to use the jSNMP within a browser. * Note: A fully JDK 1.1-compliant browser is required for this * example.

* * * Here's an example HTML file with an applet tag:



 *   <html><body>
 *   <applet code="SnmpV1WalkerApplet" height=400 width=500>
 *   </applet>
 *   </body></html>

* * Note: The CLASSPATH must be initialized correctly before * starting the browser. */ public class RmiV1WalkerApplet extends Applet implements SnmpCustomer, SnmpTrapListener, Runnable, ActionListener { // ------------------------------ Constants --------------------------------- // ------------------------------ Class variables --------------------------- // ------------------------------ Member (instance) variables --------------- private RMISnmpClient m_cRMISnmpClient = null; private SnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory = null; private SnmpAuthoritativeSession m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSession = null; private SnmpService m_cSnmpService = null; private SnmpTrapProfile m_trapProfile = null; //private SnmpServiceConfiguration m_serviceConfiguration; private String[] m_szLastOID; private int m_iNumRetrieved; private SnmpOrderInfo m_cSnmpOrderInfo; private int m_iOrderNumStart = 1; private String m_szRMIHost = null; private String m_szManagedHost = null; private TextArea m_textArea = null; private Thread m_runThread = null; private TextArea m_trapOutput = null; private Button m_start = null; private Button m_stop = null; private TextField m_rmiHostField = null; private TextField m_hostField = null; private TextField m_communityField = null; private boolean m_bWalking = false; // ------------------------------ Methods ----------------------------------- /** * */ public RmiV1WalkerApplet() { m_szLastOID = new String[1]; m_szLastOID[0] = "1.3.6"; } /** * */ public void init() { // Create the ui... initUI(); } private void initUI() { setBackground(Color.lightGray); m_rmiHostField = new TextField(10); m_hostField = new TextField(10); m_communityField = new TextField(10); m_start = new Button("Start"); m_stop = new Button("Stop"); m_stop.setEnabled(false); m_rmiHostField.addActionListener(this); m_hostField.addActionListener(this); m_communityField.addActionListener(this); m_start.addActionListener(this); m_stop.addActionListener(this); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c = new GridBagConstraints(); setLayout(gridbag); c.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; c.weightx = 1.0; c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; Label label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); // hosts and community editbox fields c.gridwidth = 1; label = new Label("jSNMP RMI Server Host:", Label.RIGHT); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); gridbag.setConstraints(m_rmiHostField, c); add(m_rmiHostField); label = new Label("SNMP Agent Host: ", Label.RIGHT); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); gridbag.setConstraints(m_hostField, c); add(m_hostField); label = new Label("Read Community: ", Label.RIGHT); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); gridbag.setConstraints(m_communityField, c); add(m_communityField); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); // buttons label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); c.gridwidth = 1; label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); gridbag.setConstraints(m_start, c); add(m_start); label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); gridbag.setConstraints(m_stop, c); add(m_stop); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; label = new Label(" "); gridbag.setConstraints(label, c); add(label); c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; c.weighty = 3; m_textArea = new TextArea(); gridbag.setConstraints(m_textArea, c); add(m_textArea); c.weightx = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; c.weighty = 1; m_trapOutput = new TextArea(); gridbag.setConstraints(m_trapOutput, c); add(m_trapOutput); } private boolean initService() { String rmiHost = null; try { rmiHost = m_rmiHostField.getText(); if (rmiHost.length() > 0) { updateText(" "); if (m_szRMIHost == null || m_szRMIHost.compareTo(rmiHost) != 0) { m_cRMISnmpClient = new RMISnmpClient(rmiHost); m_cSnmpService = m_cRMISnmpClient.getService(); m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory = m_cRMISnmpClient.getAuthoritativeSessionFactory(); m_trapProfile = m_cRMISnmpClient.getTrapProfileFactory().createSnmpTrapProfile(162); m_cSnmpService.addTrapListenerProfile(this, m_trapProfile); if (m_szRMIHost != null) { System.out.println("Disconnected from jSNMP RMI Server " + m_szRMIHost + "; connected to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost); updateText("Disconnected from jSNMP RMI Server " + m_szRMIHost + "; connected to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost); } else { updateText("Connected to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost); System.out.println("Connected to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost); } m_szRMIHost = new String(rmiHost); m_iOrderNumStart = 1; } } else { if (m_szRMIHost != null) { updateText("Empty RMI Server Host; disconnected from jSNMP RMI Server " + m_szRMIHost); System.out.println("Empty RMI Server Host; disconnected from jSNMP RMI Server " + m_szRMIHost); } else { updateText("Empty RMI Server Host"); System.out.println("Empty RMI Server Host"); } m_szRMIHost = null; m_cRMISnmpClient = null; m_cSnmpService = null; m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory = null; m_trapProfile = null; return false; } return true; } catch (Exception e) { m_szRMIHost = null; m_cRMISnmpClient = null; m_cSnmpService = null; m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory = null; m_trapProfile = null; System.out.println("Couldn't connect to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost + " (" + e.toString() + ")"); updateText("Couldn't connect to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost + " (" + e.toString() + ")"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (Error er) { m_szRMIHost = null; m_cRMISnmpClient = null; m_cSnmpService = null; m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory = null; System.out.println("Couldn't connect to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost + " (" + er.toString() + ")"); updateText("Couldn't connect to jSNMP RMI Server " + rmiHost + " (" + er.toString() + ")"); er.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * The walk begins here... */ public void run() { System.out.println("Walking MIB Tree of " + m_szManagedHost); updateText("Walking MIB Tree of " + m_szManagedHost); getNext(); } /* * * Update the UI with a new text string... */ private synchronized void updateText(String s) { // Clear the text area periodically... if (m_textArea.getText().length() > 5000) { m_textArea.setText(""); } // Append the new string to the existing text... m_textArea.append(s + "\n"); } /* * * Update the UI with a new text string... */ private synchronized void updateTrapText(String s) { // Clear the text area periodically... if (m_trapOutput.getText().length() > 500) { m_trapOutput.setText(""); } // Append the new string to the existing text... m_trapOutput.append(s + "\n"); } // -- ActionListener interface public synchronized void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { if (event.getSource() == m_start) { if (!initService()) { return; } // Upon a "start signal", clear the display, grab the // managed host from the UI, initialize the walk variables, // and start the run thread. try { m_szManagedHost = m_hostField.getText(); String szCommunity = m_communityField.getText(); if (m_szManagedHost.length() <= 0) { System.out.println("Empty host"); updateText("Empty host"); } else if (szCommunity.length() <= 0) { System.out.println("Empty community"); updateText("Empty community"); } else { m_cSnmpOrderInfo = new SnmpOrderInfo(2, 3, 0); CSMSecurityInfo secInfo; try { secInfo = new CSMSecurityInfo(szCommunity.getBytes("ASCII"), szCommunity.getBytes("ASCII")); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { secInfo = new CSMSecurityInfo(szCommunity.getBytes(), szCommunity.getBytes()); } m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSession = m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSessionFactory.createRemoteAuthoritativeSession(m_szManagedHost, 161, SnmpConstants.SNMP_VERSION_1, secInfo); m_iNumRetrieved = 0; m_szLastOID[0] = "1.3.6"; m_bWalking = true; m_start.setEnabled(false); m_stop.setEnabled(true); m_runThread = new Thread(this); m_runThread.start(); } } catch(UnknownHostException uhe) { String szOutString = new String("Unknown host: " + m_szManagedHost); System.out.println(szOutString); updateText(szOutString); } catch(SnmpSecurityException sse) { System.out.println("Failed to create CSMSecurityInfo"); updateText("Failed to create CSMSecurityInfo"); } } else if (event.getSource() == m_stop) { // Stop the walk... m_bWalking = false; m_start.setEnabled(true); m_stop.setEnabled(false); } } // -- SnmpCustomer Implementation /** * callback for delivering successes. In this case the implementation * is to print out the Object ID received and then use it for the basis * for the get-next request */ public synchronized void deliverSuccessfulOrder(int iOrderNum, SnmpVarBind vb) { String szOutString = new String(iOrderNum + ": " + vb.getName() + " (" + vb.getStringValue() + ")"); System.out.println(szOutString); updateText(szOutString); if (m_szLastOID[0] != vb.getName()) { m_szLastOID[0] = vb.getName(); if (m_bWalking) { getNext(); } } else { System.out.println("Finished"); updateText("Finished"); m_start.setEnabled(true); m_stop.setEnabled(false); } } /** * callback for failures. In this case if a failure is received, * stop walking the MIB */ public void deliverFailedOrder(int iOrderNum, int iErrorStatus) { String szOutString = new String(iOrderNum + ": order failed (" + SnmpConstants.errorIDToString(iErrorStatus) + ")"); System.out.println(szOutString); System.out.println("Ending MIB Walk"); updateText(szOutString); updateText("Ending MIB Walk"); m_start.setEnabled(true); m_stop.setEnabled(false); } /** * gets the next object from the remote agent. Demonstrates * placing orders with the snmp service */ public void getNext() { m_iOrderNumStart = m_cSnmpService.placeGetNextOrder(m_cSnmpAuthoritativeSession, m_cSnmpOrderInfo, false, m_szLastOID, this, m_iOrderNumStart); } // -- SnmpTrapListener public void trapReceived(SnmpTrapEvent trap) { //Prints out all the information contained in the trap String szTrapType; if (trap.getType() == SnmpConstants.SNMP_TRAP) { szTrapType = new String("a SNMPv1 trap"); } else if (trap.getType() == SnmpConstants.SNMP_TRAPV2) { szTrapType = new String("a SNMPv2 trap"); } else if (trap.getType() == SnmpConstants.SNMP_INFORM) { szTrapType = new String("a SNMPv2 inform"); } else { szTrapType = new String("an unexpected type (" + trap.getType() + " is not a SNMPv1 trap)"); } String szOutString = new String("\nReceived " + szTrapType + " ...\n" + "\tPort : " + trap.getPort() + "\n\tGenerating Agent : " + trap.getAgentIPAddress() + "\n\tSending Agent : " + trap.getSendersIPAddress() + "\n\tTime Stamp : " + trap.getTimeStamp() + "\n\tEnterprise OID : " + trap.getEnterpriseOID() + "\n\tTrap Type : " + trap.getTrapType()); updateTrapText(szOutString); if (trap.getNumberOfVarBinds() > 0) { updateTrapText("\tVarBinds:"); } for (int i = 0; i < trap.getNumberOfVarBinds(); i++) { SnmpVarBind vb = trap.getVarBind(i); szOutString = new String("\t\t" + vb.getName() + " (" + vb.getStringValue() + ")"); updateTrapText(szOutString); } } }